
Posts Tagged ‘aspirin’

Potential contribution of aspirin to cancer control programs

November 8, 2010 Leave a comment

G. Morgan


Chemoprevention describes the potential of chemicals to intervene and stop the multistage carcinogenesis. Aspirin (Acetilsalicilato) is showing potential chemopreventivi cancer and medicine has potential for public health, since low-doses also reduce the risk of cardiovascular events up to 30%. While acknowledging that aspirin has undesirable effects, perhaps medicine can compliment other cancer control programs, such as screening and lifestyle measures.In addition, maybe the potential cancer chemopreventivi aspirin could be mediated in part by salicylate which is present in fruits and vegetables.Salicylate might be considered therefore a nutraceutical. Furthermore, there are a number of issues that arise including the potential for the public health sector to further support the agenda prior to self-care, which might include aspirin. Maybe now is appropriate for the potential of public health of aspirin to be convened a Conference.

aspirin, cancer control, salicylate, nutraceutical, public health

Volume: 2 article number: 100 DOI: 10.3332/100 ecancer. 2008. received: 12/10/2008 published: 12/11/2008

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